How to Read Form Element Info in Javascript

Chapter ix. Form Elements and Validation

9.0. Introduction

Outside of hypertext links, course elements were the very first form of interaction between web developers and web page readers, and were also one of the commencement reasons for interest in a scripting linguistic communication.

With the advent of JavaScript, form elements could be validated earlier the data was sent to the server, saving the reader time and the website extra processing. JavaScript tin can too be used to modify class elements based on the data the web reader provides, such as filling a selection listing with the names of cities when a certain state is selected.

The important point to remember when using JavaScript with form elements is that people turn JavaScript off, so information technology tin't be a dependency for any form action. JavaScript enhances, not replaces.


Though validating the form on the client can save a round trip, every bit a sound design practice, you'll still want to validate the data on the server.

nine.1. Accessing Course Text Input Values


Yous need to access the contents of a text input form element using JavaScript.


Use the DOM to admission the course element:

var formValue = certificate.forms["formname"].elements["elementname"]. value;


Forms in a web page can exist accessed through an object drove (forms) via the document object. Each form has its ain drove (elements) of form elements.

Accessing the form element's value varies, based on the type of form element. For example, a text input or textarea form chemical element's value tin exist accessed using the value attribute. To admission the following form input element's information:

<grade id="textsearch"> <input type="text" id="firstname" /> </form>

use the following JavaScript:

txtValue = document.forms["textsearch"].elements("design"].value;

Equally demonstrated before in the book, y'all tin can also access the input class element directly, via its identifier:

var txtValue = document.getElementByid("pattern").value;

Withal, when you're working with a larger class, you lot're more probable going to want to piece of work with the DOM Level 0 class collections, in order to exist consistent.

You can also access the form element using an integer representing the form and the element's position in the page. The kickoff form that appears in the folio is given an assortment index of zippo, the 2d an index of one, and and so on. The same with the elements. And so to access the example form element, use the following:

var txtValue = document.forms[0].elements[one].value;

Using an array index is tricky, since it may be difficult to make up one's mind the location of a specific class and chemical element. In addition, adding a new form or element can make for incorrect JavaScript, or a web folio awarding that doesn't perform every bit expected. However, information technology'south also a elementary fashion to process all form elements in a loop:

while (var i = 0; i < certificate.forms[0].elements.length; i++) {    var val = certificate.forms[0].elements[i].value; }


Whenever you lot're accessing information from a text or other field where the user can input any value he wants, before sending to the database or displaying in the folio, yous will want to strip or encode any harmful SQL, markup, or script that may be embedded in the value. Yous can use encodeURI and encodeURIComponent in JavaScript for encoding.

nine.2. Dynamically Disabling and Enabling Course Elements


Based on some action or outcome, you want to disable, or enable, i or more form elements.


Use the disabled holding to enable or disable form element(south), accessing the element via the forms/elements collections:


or via direct access to an chemical element with an identifier:



It's non unusual to disable some fields in a form until information is provided or a specific result occurs. An example would be clicking a radio button enabling or disabling other class elements, such equally input text fields.

See Also

See Recipe 9.four for an example of clicking radio buttons and enabling or disabling specific class elements. See Recipe nine.8 for some other approach to providing access to form elements based on activity (hiding or showing form elements).

nine.3. Getting Data from a Form Element Based on an Result


You need to access information from a course element after an consequence.


Depending on the form element, you can capture any number of events, and based on the event, process the form element information.

If y'all want to validate a form field after the data in the field has changed, you can assign a office to the onchange issue handler function for the element:


In the related function, access the form element'due south value:

var value = this.value;

Y'all can also adhere a function to a class element based on whether it gets or loses focus, using the onfocus and onblur event handlers. The onblur event handler can be handy if yous want to ensure a class field has data:


In the role that checks to ensure some value is provided, you'll outset demand to trim whatsoever whitespace. Since the String trim method is not supported in IE8, the following code uses a variation of the regular expression String.replace method covered in Affiliate two:

var val = this.value; val = val.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').supercede(/\s\south*$/, '') if (val.length == 0) alert("need value!");

You can capture keyboard events for form elements, such as onkeypress for a checkbox, but a click event is triggered for most form elements whether the chemical element is clicked on by a mouse or the spacebar is clicked when the chemical element has keyboard focus:


In the part, you tin can and so access the checkbox checked holding:

var checked = this.checked; if (checked) { ...}


There are several dissimilar events based on the blazon of course element. Each can be captured, and the appropriate event handler assigned a function.

Table 9-1 contains a list of form elements and the events most commonly captured for the element.

Tabular array nine-i. Grade elements and commonly occurring events



button, submit

click, keypress, focus, blur


click, keypress


click, keypress


select, alter, focus, mistiness, click, keypress, mousedown, mouseup, keydown, keyup

password, text

change, focus, blur, keypress, select


change, focus, blur


change, focus, blur

The list of elements isn't exhaustive, nor is the list of events, but this gives you an idea of the more than commonly occurring class element/event pairings.

In the grade event handler office, you can access both the event and the element to get data well-nigh both. How you do this depends on your browser, and too how yous assign the events.

For instance, if you use the DOM Level 0 issue handling in which you assign the event handler function direct to the event handler belongings:


In all browsers, yous can access the element using the element context this. Yet, if you lot use DOM Level 2 and up event handling, such equally the following function, which provides cross-browser event handling:

function listenEvent(eventObj, upshot, eventHandler) {    if (eventObj.addEventListener) {       eventObj.addEventListener(event, eventHandler,false);    } else if (eventObj.attachEvent) {       event = "on" + issue;       eventObj.attachEvent(result, eventHandler);    } else {       eventObj["on" + event] = eventHandler;    } }

You tin access the element context with this for Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, but non for IE8. For IE8, you lot'll have to access the chemical element using the result object:

function handleClick(evt) {    // cantankerous browser issue access    evt = evt || window.evt;     // cross browser element access    var elem;    if (evt.srcElement)       elem = evt.srcElement;    else       elem = this;

Meet Also

See Chapter 2 for using regular expressions with form elements, and Chapter 7 for more on result handling, including with form elements.

9.4. Performing an Action When a Radio Button Is Clicked


You want to perform an action based on which radio push button is clicked.


Adhere an onclick consequence handler to each of the radio buttons; in the outcome handler function, perform whatsoever activeness y'all need:

window.onload=function() {   var radios = certificate.forms[0].elements["group1"];   for (var i = 0; i < radios.length; i++)     radios[i].onclick=radioClicked; }  function RadioClicked() {     if (this.value == "ane") {       certificate.forms[0].elements["line_text"].disabled=true;    } }


One relatively mutual use for JavaScript is to modify form elements based on actions taken elsewhere in the form. For example, clicking a specific radio push may disable some elements, but enable others. To do this, you need to assign an upshot handler office to a form element's event handler, so find out information about the chemical element that received the event.

In the solution, a gear up of radio buttons with the name of group1 are accessed from the form, and the onclick event handler for each is assigned to a function named functionRadioClicked. In the function, backdrop associated with the clicked radio button are attainable via this, which is a proxy for the owner of the result. Via this, we can detect out information about the event'south owner, including the blazon of element receiving the event ("radio"), the tagName ("input"), and the value ("one").

With this information, we can decide which of the radio buttons was clicked, and perform whatever activeness we demand based on this information.

One action associated with radio buttons is to enable or disable other course elements when i or some other of the radio buttons is clicked. Example ix-ane shows a more than complete demonstration of this blazon of action. In the example, three radio buttons are paired with three text input fields. All three text input fields are disabled when the web page is loaded. Clicking any one of the radio buttons enables one input field and disables the other two.

Instance 9-1. Disabling/enabling input elements based on a clicked radio button

<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>Radio Click Selection</title>  <style> :enabled {     border: 4px solid #ff0000;     padding: 5px 5px 5px 15px; }  :disabled {     border: 2px solid #cccccc; }  </manner> <script>  window.onload=function() {    // first, disable all the input fields   document.forms[0].elements["intext"].disabled=true;   document.forms[0].elements["intext2"].disabled=true;   document.forms[0].elements["intext3"].disabled=true;    // next, adhere the click consequence handler to the radio buttons   var radios = certificate.forms[0].elements["group1"];   for (var i = [0]; i < radios.length; i++)     radios[i].onclick=radioClicked; } function radioClicked() {    // find out which radio button was clicked and   // disable/enable appropriate input elements   switch(this.value) {     case "one" :        certificate.forms[0].elements["intext"].disabled=false;        document.forms[0].elements["intext2"].disabled=true;        document.forms[0].elements["intext3"].disabled=true;        break;     instance "ii" :        certificate.forms[0].elements["intext2"].disabled=false;        document.forms[0].elements["intext"].disabled=true;        document.forms[0].elements["intext3"].disabled=truthful;        break;     example "three" :        certificate.forms[0].elements["intext3"].disabled=false;        certificate.forms[0].elements["intext"].disabled=true;        document.forms[0].elements["intext2"].disabled=true;        break;   }  }  </script> </head> <body> <grade id="picker"> Group 1: <input type="radio" proper noun="group1" value="1" /><br /> Group 2: <input type="radio" proper name="group1" value="2" /><br /> Grouping 3: <input type="radio" name="group1" value="iii" /><br /> <br /> <input blazon="text" id="intext" /> <input type="text" id="intext2"  /> <input blazon="text" id="intext3"  /> </class> </torso>

The nonassociated text input fields are disabled with each new clicked result, in order to clear previous activity. In addition, to add a lilliputian flair to the case, new CSS3 functionality to manner enabled and disabled attributes is used in the example, as shown in Figure 9-one. The CSS3 setting works with all of the book target browsers except IE8.

Modifying a form element based on a radio button click

Figure 9-1. Modifying a form chemical element based on a radio button click

See As well

Run into Recipe 9.2 for more information almost attaching event handlers to form elements, and getting information from the elements in an event handler function.

9.5. Checking for a Valid Phone Number


You want to validate form information that requires a certain format, such every bit a valid phone number.


Admission the form field value, and then employ a regular expression to validate the format. To validate a U.Due south.-based telephone number (surface area + prefix + digits):

// filter out anything merely numbers to // standardize input var phone = document.forms[0].elements["intext"].value; var re = /\D+/g; var cleanphone = phone.replace(re,"");  // check length if (cleanphone.length < x) alarm("bad phone");


To validate grade fields, you demand to strip out any extraneous material first, and then examination only what is necessary. Phone numbers can be provided using unlike formats:

  • (314) 555-1212

  • 314-555-1212

  • 314.555.1212

  • 3145551212

All you really need are the numbers; everything else is simply syntactic carbohydrate. To validate a phone number, strip out anything that isn't a number, and then check the length, as shown in the solution.

Once validated, you tin can then reformat into a standard format, though commonly if you lot're going to store a phone number in a database, you desire to store information technology in the smallest form possible (all numbers).

Another way to ensure that the data is correct is to provide three fields for the number, and only let the number of characters for each field (iii-3-four). But it's probably simpler for yous and for your users to apply simply i field.

See Also

There are any number of regular expression formulas that piece of work for diverse validation purposes. See more on regular expressions in Affiliate 2. Also note that many JavaScript frameworks and libraries provide uncomplicated-to-utilize validation routines, where all you have to practice is requite each input element a class proper noun or some other indicator in social club to trigger proper validation.

See Recipe 14.2 for integrating accessibility into your forms using ARIA.

9.half-dozen. Canceling a Form Submission


Y'all want to cancel a class submission if you find the data entered into the form fields invalid.


If the class fields don't validate, abolish the grade submission result using the technique appropriate to the consequence handling technique you're using. Hither, we're borrowing from Chapter vii (where we covered events):

// listen to an event function listenEvent(eventObj, event, eventHandler) {    if (eventObj.addEventListener) {       eventObj.addEventListener(event, eventHandler,imitation);    } else if (eventObj.attachEvent) {       issue = "on" + event;       eventObj.attachEvent(event, eventHandler);    } else {       eventObj["on" + event] = eventHandler;    } }   // cancel event function  cancelEvent (event) {    if (event.preventDefault) {       event.preventDefault();    } else {       event.returnValue = false;    } }  window.onload=function() {    var form = document.forms["picker"];    listenEvent(form,"submit",validateFields); }  function validateFields(evt) {    evt = evt ? evt : window.issue;    ...     if (invalid) {       cancelEvent(evt);    } }


In the aforementioned part you apply to validate the course field(s), cancel the event. In the issue office, the cancelEvent function checks to see if the preventDefault method is supported. If it is, information technology's called. If not, the event'south returnValue is gear up to simulated (abolish event).

See Also

See Chapter 7 for more than data on effect handling.

9.7. Preventing Duplicate Form Submissions


Potential harm could occur if a user submits the same form multiple times. You want to prevent duplicate form submissions.


I approach is to provide a bulletin that the form has been submitted, and so provide some means to prevent the web page reader from submitting the course once again. In its simplest variation, the following would work:

function validateSubmission(evt) { ... alert("Thank you, we're processing your lodge right now"); document.getElementById("submitbutton").disabled=true; // disable


Multiple concurrent form submissions are ane of the worst problems that can occur in a user interface. Nearly people would exist unhappy if, say, they establish they had purchased two of the same particular when they were only expecting to purchase ane.

At that place are several unlike approaches you lot can take to preclude duplicate form submissions, and how strict you desire to be depends on the seriousness of the double submission.

For example, comment forms don't usually restrict form submission. Duplicate submissions may upshot in a message that duplicate comments have posted, and the first has been rejected. Even if the duplicate comment is posted, information technology's a small nuisance, rather than a serious problem.

Even so, it'due south essential to foreclose duplicate class submission with whatsoever kind of storefront, and annihilation that could upshot in unexpected charges to your web customers.

If you do restrict duplicate form submissions, provide some form of feedback to the customer. In the solution, I took a uncomplicated approach, popping up a message providing feedback to the users that the course has been submitted, then disabling the submit push button and so they can't click it again.

It's an OK arroyo, but we can take the security a little further. Instead of a popular upwards, we tin can embed a bulletin directly into the page. Instead of simply disabling the submit button, nosotros can also use a flag to doubly ensure that a submission tin can't be initiated while an existing course submission is being processed. Example ix-2 demonstrates a safer fashion to prevent duplicate course submissions.

Example nine-2. Demonstrating prevention of duplicate form submissions

<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head> <championship>Prevent Duplication Grade Submission</title>  <style> #refresh {    display: none;    width: 200px; height: 20px;    background-color: #ffff00; } </style> <script> //<![CDATA[  var inprocess=fake;  window.onload=role() {    certificate.forms["picker"].onsubmit=validateSubmit;    certificate.getElementById("refresh").onclick=startOver; }  part validateSubmit() {    // foreclose indistinguishable form submission   if (inprocess) return;   inprocess=truthful;   document.getElementById("submitbutton").disabled=truthful;    // for example just   document.getElementById("refresh").manner.display="block";   document.getElementById("bulletin").innerHTML= "<p>We're now processing your asking, which can accept a minute.</p>";    // validation stuff   render false; }  function startOver() {    inprocess=false;    document.getElementById("submitbutton").disabled=false;    document.getElementById("message").innerHTML="";    document.getElementById("refresh").mode.display="none"; } //--><!]]> </script> </head> <torso> <form id="picker" method="post" action=""> Group ane: <input type="radio" proper name="group1" value="i" /> Group two: <input blazon="radio" name="group1" value="two" /> Group iii: <input type="radio" proper noun="group1" value="three" /><br /> <br /> Input 1: <input type="text" id="intext" /> Input ii: <input type="text" id="intext2"  /> Input 3: <input type="text" id="intext3"  /><br /><br /> <input type="submit" id="submitbutton" value="Send class" /> </form> <div id="refresh"> <p>Click to reset case</p> </div> <div id="message"> </div> </body> </html>

If you load the instance into a browser and click the Send Form button, it will become disabled and two new elements will brandish: a processing message and a button to refresh the page. The latter is included only because this is an case, every bit a way to reset the example.

Normally, in a form, a mail-processing web page will display with a confirmation of the action and a message of thanks, or whatever is appropriate. If Ajax is used to make the update, the form can be reenabled one time the Ajax processing is complete.


Y'all want to hide form elements until some event.


Environment the course elements that will be hidden with a div element:

<form id="picker" method="mail service" action=""> Detail 1: <input type="radio" proper name="group1" value="one" /> Particular ii: <input type="radio" name="group1" value="two" /> Item 3: <input type="radio" name="group1" value="three" /><br /> <br />                              <div id="hidden_elements">                                            Input 1: <input blazon="text" id="intext" />                                            Input ii: <input blazon="text" id="intext2"  />                                            Input three: <input type="text" id="intext3"  /><br /><br />                                            </div>                            <input type="submit" id="submitbutton" value="Send grade" /> </form>

Alter the div's display to none when the page loads:

window.onload=function() {    document.getElementById("hidden_elements").manner.display="none";    //  attach the click result handler to the radio buttons   var radios = document.forms[0].elements["group1"];   for (var i = [0]; i < radios.length; i++)     radios[i].onclick=radioClicked; }

When the event to display the form elements occurs, change the div element's brandish so that the course elements are displayed:

function radioClicked() {    if (this.value == "ii") {     document.getElementById("hidden_elements").style.display="block";    } else {     document.getElementById("hidden_elements").style.brandish="none";    } }


In the solution, the subconscious form elements are surrounded by a div element in order to make it easier to work with them as a group. Nevertheless, you lot could also command the display for elements individually.

The CSS display holding allows yous to completely remove elements from the folio (display="none"), as shown in Figure 9-2. This makes it an platonic CSS property to utilize; the visibility property will only hide the elements, but information technology doesn't remove them from the display. If you used visibility, you'd have a gap between the displayed elements and the course push button.

Page with form elements removed from display

Figure ix-2. Page with form elements removed from display

In the solution, clicking the 2d radio button displays the input fields, as shown in Figure 9-three. Find in the code that if you click on the first or tertiary radio push button, the display for the hidden elements is prepare to none, simply in case it is currently displayed afterwards a previous 2nd radio push selection.

You always want to take into account the state of the folio whenever yous're processing an event that changes the makeup of a form. If certain elements are only displayed for given course values, then any activity in the form should either check the electric current state of the form or simply reissue either the hide or evidence functionality, because it doesn't hurt to reshow a shown element or rehide one already subconscious.

Page with hidden form elements displayed

Figure ix-three. Page with subconscious form elements displayed

9.9. Modifying a Selection List Based on Other Class Decisions


Y'all want to change the contents of a second pick list based on the option made in a kickoff selection list.


Y'all have 2 options when it comes to modifying the contents of i selection list, based on the choice in another selection listing.

The outset is to query a database and build the selection list based on the pick. This is demonstrated in Recipe 18.9, which covers Ajax.

The second arroyo is to maintain a static copy of the second selection list options:

var citystore = new Assortment(); citystore[0] = ['CA','San Francisco']; citystore[1] = ['CA','Los Angeles']; citystore[2] = ['CA','San Diego']; citystore[3] = ['MO','St. Louis']; citystore[4] = ['MO','Kansas Urban center']; citystore[5] = ['WA','Seattle']; citystore[6] = ['WA','Spokane']; citystore[7] = ['WA','Redmond']; //And use this copy to rebuild the selection list: role filterCities() {   var state = this.value;   var metropolis = document.getElementById('cities');   city.options.length=0;    for (var i = 0; i < citystore.length; i++) {     var st = citystore[i][0];     if (st == land) {       var opt = new Option(citystore[i][1]);       endeavor {         city.add(opt,null);       } take hold of(e) {         city.add(opt);       }     }   } }


Pick lists are often built from straight database queries. To prevent the lists from being too large, they may exist built based on choices in other form elements, from an Ajax-enabled query, an assortment, or even a hidden selection listing.

As the solution demonstrates, regardless of arroyo, the simplest and quickest way to populate the selection list is to first ready the options assortment list to goose egg, which deletes everything from the list; then go through the bachelor choice data, and based on whatever criteria, create new options with the option data and suspend to the empty pick listing.

To encounter this type of functionality in activity, Example 9-3 shows an unabridged application that incorporates the code in the solution. Clicking a state volition populate the second selection list with cities for that state. A effort...catch block is used when adding the new option to the selection listing, because IE8 does not support the second parameter for the chemical element's position in the add method. If the offset add method fails, the second is used.

Example 9-iii. Populating a selection list

<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Populating Selection Lists</championship> <script> //<![CDATA[  var citystore = new Array(); citystore[0] = ['CA','San Francisco']; citystore[1] = ['CA','Los Angeles']; citystore[2] = ['CA','San Diego']; citystore[3] = ['MO','St. Louis']; citystore[4] = ['MO','Kansas Urban center']; citystore[v] = ['WA','Seattle']; citystore[half-dozen] = ['WA','Spokane']; citystore[seven] = ['WA','Redmond'];  window.onload=part() {   certificate.getElementById("state").onchange=filterCities; }  part filterCities() {   var state = this.value;   var city = certificate.getElementById('cities');   city.options.length=0;    for (var i = 0; i < citystore.length; i++) {     var st = citystore[i][0];     if (st == land) {       var opt = new Choice(citystore[i][1]);       try {         city.add together(opt,null);       } take hold of(e) {         city.add(opt);       }     }   } }  //--><!]]> </script> </head> <body> <form id="picker" method="mail service" activity=""> <select id="land"> <option value="">--</option> <option value="MO">Missouri</choice> <option value="WA">Washington</option> <option value="CA">California</option> </select> <select id="cities"> </select> </form> </body> </html>

If scripting is disabled in an awarding like this 1, the best choice is to hide the city selection list past default and display a push button (again by default) that submits the form and populates the city selection on a second page.

Encounter Also

See Recipe xviii.ix for a demonstration of using Ajax to populate a selection list. More on the endeavor...catch error handling in Recipe 10.4.


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